Cell/Tissue Salt Number 8: Magnesia Phosphorica (Mag Phos)
In case you missed my summary on all cell salts you can read it here.

Physical Symptoms of Deficiency:
chocolate cravings
cramping and shooting pains
muscles paralysis

Emotional Symptoms of Deficiency:
outgoing nature
complaints regarding physical problems
quick action

Facial Signs of Deficiency:
bright red
latent red
constant red

Generally Helpful For:
painful cramping menses
right sided sciatica
neuralgic pains
gas pains
tired, languid, exhausted persons
infant colic
symptoms aggravated by cold applications
suffocating sensation
whooping cough


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Nat Mur, Cell Salt #9

In case you missed my summary on all cell salts you can read it here. Cell/Tissue Salt Number 9: Natrum Muriaticum (Nat Mur) Physical Symptoms of Deficiency:head cold and congestionclear watery dischargessun sensitivitycold sores Emotional Symptoms of Deficiency:isolationcontrol issuessun sensitivitydeep griefforgiveness issuescan’t cry in publicholds in…

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