A friend of mine went up to the pharmacist at one of the shot clinics and asked if she could see the package insert for the COVID shot they were giving out, which was the Moderna shot. To her and the pharmacist’s complete shock it was blank aside from a QR code, a number and the words “Intentionally Blank.”

If you have never looked at a package insert before they normally contain ingredients, research that was done, contraindications, adverse reactions, dosage and administration and more. To get a better idea of the information normally contained in a package insert check out the MMR II (measles, mumps and rubella) package insert here.

How is anyone supposed to be able to make an informed decision when the package inserts, which are suppose to have a good portion of the pertinent information in one place for a patient, are blank and offer no information? How is a pharmacist suppose to answer questions when their number one resource on the product is blank?

The Johnson and Johnson insert is also blank as this pharmacist shows:


Prolife? Provaccine?

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New Site – DrMarissaBrand.com

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Nat Mur, Cell Salt #9

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