New Site –

For everything that is not controversial I have a new website I will be updating Dr. Scalar to make it more visually appealing and more functionable. Dr. Scalar will be dedicated to vaccines and other controversial topics. Join my email list so you can…

Nat Mur, Cell Salt #9

In case you missed my summary on all cell salts you can read it here. Cell/Tissue Salt Number 9: Natrum Muriaticum (Nat Mur) Physical Symptoms of Deficiency:head cold and congestionclear watery dischargessun sensitivitycold sores Emotional Symptoms of Deficiency:isolationcontrol issuessun sensitivitydeep griefforgiveness issuescan’t cry in publicholds in…

Kali Phos, #6

Cell/tissue salt number 6: Kali Phosphoricum (Kali phos)In case you missed my summary on all cell salts you can read it here. Physical symptoms of deficiency:bad breathsleep and nerve problems Emotional symptoms of deficiency:nervous irritabilityweak memorytest anxietytensionmoody depressionangerself pityfeeling of being insulted and disgraced by family…

How to Increase Iodine Levels

Please consult with your healthcare provider before starting a new supplement. Iodine is extremely important for proper functioning of the body. It is important for the thyroid, for hormone regulation, protecting the body from cancer, detoxing and much more. Chances are you are low in…

Kali Mur, #5

Cell/tissue salt number 5: Kali Muriaticum (Kali Mur) In case you missed my summary on all cell salts you can read it here. Physical symptoms of deficiency:second stages of fever (101-103F)coughingeustachian tube blockagewhite mucus discharges Emotional symptoms of deficiency:family issuesirritabilityapathyhomesicknesstendency to hypochondria Facial signs of deficiency:milky…

Ferrum Phos, #4

Cell/tissue salt number 4: Ferrum Phos (Ferrum Phosphoricum) In case you missed my summary on all cell salts you can read it here. Physical symptoms of deficiency:first stage of fever (99-101F)pulsing and throbbing headachesinflammationanemiahemorrhagesore throatnose bleedscoldsflus Emotional symptoms of deficiency:At first stimulation and overheating followed by…

Calc Sulph, #3

In case you missed my summary on all cell salts you can read it here. Cell/tissue salt 3: Calcarea Sulphurica (Calc Sulph) Physical symptoms of deficiency:chronic pusopen infectionsfibroidsyellow mucus dischargesboils Emotional symptoms of deficiency:fatiguelazinessinactivityworries about imaginary problems Facial signs of deficiency:overall gypsum-white appearancecold white tongue…

Calc Fluor, Cell Salt #1

In case you missed my summary on all cell salts you can read it here. Cell/Tissue Salt number 1: Calcarea Fluorica (Calc Fluor) Physical symptoms of deficiency:cornea problemschappingcracking of skincavitiesvaricose veinsosteoporosisdeficient teeth enamel Emotional symptoms of deficiency:indecisivenessweaknesslow self esteemstress regarding financial matters Facial signs of…

Why an Inert Placebo?

The gold standard in Newtonian (physical based) science is a double blind inert placebo study. Double blind meaning that both groups involved in the study have no idea who is receiving what is being experimented on and who is not. This is to prevent any…