Protect Our Rights!

We are in the midst of a battle to keep our rights protected in Michigan and all across the United States. Michigan for Vaccine Choice has put together a letter to send to your state legislatures to let them know that you want your rights…

Why an Inert Placebo?

The gold standard in Newtonian (physical based) science is a double blind inert placebo study. Double blind meaning that both groups involved in the study have no idea who is receiving what is being experimented on and who is not. This is to prevent any…

One in a Million?

We are told that the chance of dying from a vaccine is one in a million, but is that true? Let’s start by looking at the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine insert since this covers measles, which tends to be a common illness brought…

Kosher Restaurant is Requiring NonKosher Vaccines

A Kosher restaurant in New Jersey is denying customers unless they can provide proof of immunization. See the story here: I can’t stop laughing and shaking my head. A Kosher restaurant is denying customers unless they provide proof they were injected with vaccines which…