Blank Package Inserts?!?

A friend of mine went up to the pharmacist at one of the shot clinics and asked if she could see the package insert for the COVID shot they were giving out, which was the Moderna shot. To her and the pharmacist’s complete shock it…

COVID Vaccines Immoral or Moral?

Preizer and ModernaTo judge if something is moral we have to be properly informed. There are many articles circulating claiming that Pfeizer and Moderna (the two manufactures of the currently available covid-19 vaccines) did not use aborted fetal cells in the research and development of…

Prolife? Provaccine?

Abortion is ever so present in the the history of vaccines as well as present vaccines. Aborted fetal cell lines are not only used as a growth medium, but are in the end product, the vaccine being injected in you and your children. The aborted…