Saturday, October 10th was the first annual Vaccine Injury Awareness Walk by Michigan for Vaccine Choice. I had the honor of being one of the speakers at the event. My speech was specifically on the use of aborted babies in vaccines.

On my youtube channel you can also view all of the speeches from the day. There were many amazing speakers throughout the day. They are as follows: Attorney Katherine Henry of, Walter Winesbury of, speech pathologist Maija Hahn, Pastor Bernadette Smith, Laura Peiffer, Angelic Johnson, Dr. Heather Mills from AK Chiropractic, occupational and environmental toxicology expert Kristen Meghan, Dr. Christina Parks who is cellular and molecular biologist, Dr. David Brownstein of Center for Holistic Healing , and Dr. Marissa Brand (myself) from Quantum Doctors.


Prolife? Provaccine?

Abortion is ever so present in the the history of vaccines as well as present vaccines. Aborted fetal cell lines are not only used as a growth medium, but are in the end product, the vaccine being injected in you and your children. The aborted…

New Site –

For everything that is not controversial I have a new website I will be updating Dr. Scalar to make it more visually appealing and more functionable. Dr. Scalar will be dedicated to vaccines and other controversial topics. Join my email list so you can…

Nat Mur, Cell Salt #9

In case you missed my summary on all cell salts you can read it here. Cell/Tissue Salt Number 9: Natrum Muriaticum (Nat Mur) Physical Symptoms of Deficiency:head cold and congestionclear watery dischargessun sensitivitycold sores Emotional Symptoms of Deficiency:isolationcontrol issuessun sensitivitydeep griefforgiveness issuescan’t cry in publicholds in…

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